
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”

Matthew 19 : 14

During the Service

Nursery Care

We provide nursery care for children ages 6 weeks - age 4 during Sunday School and the 10:00 service on Sunday in our newly renovated Nursery down the hall!

Children in the nursery will participate in activities such as songs, books, games, and crafts which align with the lectionary. Parents of children attending the nursery are asked to complete a registration form. This information sheet will be kept on file in the nursery.  It will include basic health and contact information. Also, all nursery staff have undergone background checks and pediatric first aid/CPR/AED training.

new church nursery, van gogh art in nursery, childcare during church
renovated nursery at St. John Lutheran Roanoke Virginia, church nursery decor

Children’s Chapel

All children ages 3 years - 3rd grade are invited to attend this kid’s breakout time, which is created just for them during the sermon time on most Sunday mornings. 

During this time, children are led through the Scripture specific to each week’s sermon. They participate in age-appropriate activities which teach the Scripture such as games, drama, craft, and/or songs. With each lesson, whether Old Testament or New, the Gospel is discussed. The children learn that all Bible stories are part of ONE story—Jesus’ story for us.

Sunday School

Reflective Art

Sundays @ 9 - 9:45 am

We will be meeting Upstairs in Room 212 - feel free to park in our upper parking lot off of Merriman Road!

Play Outside!

Enjoy a picnic lunch at our covered tables or just let your kids have fun on the playground! Our outdoor space is open during daylight hours and is located near our upper parking lot on Merriman Road.

All Families are welcome!

Have teens in Middle and High School as well?

We’ve got you covered!