“For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.”
Matthew 18:20

Women’s Ministry.
Ladies, Mark Your Calendars!
Upcoming Book Study!
April 14th from 6:30 - 8 pm
by Timothy Keller
Tuesday Mornings in the Sonshine Room:
April 24th - July 31st @ 9:30 am
Everyone hurts. The pain runs deep, the scars never seem to fade, the memories torment us. As a result, our
growth is stunted, our walk crippled, our relationships infected. Will relief never come?
With Roseanne Parker’s leadership, discover how God can turn your sorrow into joy in Lord, Heal My Hurts. Let Kay Arthur guide you through the Scriptures so you can be set free from past hurts by the power of God.
This powerful, insightful study will minister to you in deeply restorative ways. To fully allow God to move, it will require 3-4 hours of homework weekly.
Lord, Heal My Hurts

Need more information?
Connect with our Women’s Ministry coordinator to find out more!